Interview Success: How National Day Reflects Vietnam’s Work Culture and What You Should Know

As Vietnam's National Day approaches on September 2nd, it's not just a time of celebration but also an insightful window into the nation's work culture. Understanding the nuances of Vietnam's work environment can significantly boost your chances of success in job interviews, particularly if you're applying to companies rooted in Vietnamese culture or looking to collaborate with Vietnamese professionals. UCTalent, a leading web3 talent platform, is here to guide you on how to harness these cultural insights to excel in your interviews and career.

The Significance of Vietnam's National Day

Vietnam's National Day marks the country's declaration of independence from France in 1945. It is a day filled with patriotic pride, parades, and festivities. Beyond the surface celebrations, National Day is a reflection of the values that underpin Vietnamese society and, by extension, its work culture. These values include respect for tradition, a strong sense of community, and the importance of perseverance qualities that are deeply ingrained in the professional environment.

Vietnam's National Day

Key Aspects of Vietnamese Work Culture

  • Respect for Hierarchy and Authority
    In Vietnamese workplaces, respect for hierarchy is paramount. The concept of "face" (keeping one's dignity) plays a significant role, and deference to authority is expected. During an interview, demonstrating respect for the interviewer's position and experience can leave a positive impression. This might mean addressing them with proper titles or showing an understanding of the company's structure and leadership.
  • Community and Teamwork
    Vietnam's culture places a high value on community and teamwork. The collective effort is often seen as more important than individual achievements. In an interview setting, highlighting your ability to work well within a team, support colleagues, and contribute to group success can resonate strongly with Vietnamese employers.
  • Perseverance and Resilience
    The history of Vietnam is one of resilience and perseverance, traits that are highly valued in the workplace. Employers look for candidates who demonstrate determination and the ability to overcome challenges. Sharing stories of how you've persisted in the face of adversity or found innovative solutions to problems can make you stand out during the interview process.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
    Vietnam is rapidly evolving, especially in industries like tech and web3. Companies value employees who can adapt to change and are open to learning new skills. In your interview, be prepared to discuss how you’ve embraced change in your past roles or how you stay updated with industry trends.
  • Work-Life Balance
    While Vietnamese professionals are known for their dedication to work, there is also a growing emphasis on work-life balance. National holidays like Tet and National Day are respected times for rest and family gatherings. When interviewing, showing that you understand the importance of balance and can manage your time effectively will be appreciated by potential employers.
Aspects of Vietnamese Work Culture

How to Reflect These Values in Your Interview

  • Research the Company Culture
    Before your interview, take the time to research the company’s culture. Look for cues on how the company values teamwork, leadership, and work-life balance. Websites, social media profiles, and employee reviews can provide insights. Tailor your answers to reflect the company’s values, demonstrating that you’re a good cultural fit.
  • Highlight Your Soft Skills
    Vietnamese employers often place a strong emphasis on soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and cultural sensitivity. Be ready to discuss how you’ve used these skills in your previous roles. Examples of successful teamwork, your ability to communicate effectively across different cultures, and your respect for authority can all work in your favor.
  • Show Respect and Humility
    During the interview, demonstrate respect for the interviewer by listening carefully, not interrupting, and responding thoughtfully. Humility is highly regarded in Vietnamese culture, so while it’s important to showcase your achievements, do so with modesty.
  • Discuss Your Long-Term Vision
    Vietnamese companies often value employees who are committed to long-term growth with the organization. Discuss your career aspirations and how they align with the company’s future. This shows that you’re not just looking for a job, but a career where you can contribute and grow.
  • Express Your Understanding of Cultural Nuances
    If you have previous experience working in or with Vietnamese companies, share it. If not, express your eagerness to learn and adapt to the local culture. This can set you apart from other candidates and show that you’re serious about integrating into the company.


Vietnam's National Day is more than just a public holiday; it's a reflection of the values that shape the nation's work culture. By understanding and incorporating these cultural insights into your interview preparation, you can significantly increase your chances of success. As a marketing executive at UCTalent, I encourage you to use these tips to navigate your job search and interviews effectively, ensuring you leave a lasting positive impression on potential employers. Embrace the values of respect, community, perseverance, and adaptability, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in Vietnam's dynamic job market.

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