How to Find Your First Tech Job or Your First Best Job - A simple Guideline


1. Define Your Goals 

Before embarking on your job search, it's crucial to define your goals within the tech industry. Determine the specific role or field that aligns with your skills and interests. Whether it's software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, or user experience design, having a clear goal will help you focus your efforts and tailor your job search accordingly.

If you have concerns to choose between startup and established company, then please read: 7 reasons not to join a startup
If you are just starting your career path, it is worth to know this: The Keys to Success and Self-Worth for recent graduates
If you are in the middle of career path, one idea you need to learn: what is your Next Step For Senior Dev: A Specialist or a Manager?
2. Acquire Relevant Skills 

Once you've identified your desired tech field, it's time to acquire the necessary skills. 

  • Research the specific technologies, programming languages, frameworks, or tools that are commonly used in your chosen area.
  • Enroll in relevant courses, online tutorials, boot camps, or certifications to develop and enhance your skills. 
3. Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is a powerful tool for showcasing your skills and work to potential employers. To build a good portfolio, we offer some ideas for you:

  • Personal Projects: Undertake projects that demonstrate your skills and align with your interests, such as creating a website, developing an app, or designing a user interface.
  • Open-Source Contributions: Contribute to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub to showcase your collaboration and coding abilities.
  • Coursework and Assignments: Focus on relevant coursework and assignments that highlight your technical knowledge and problem-solving skills. You can also refer to some free courses on Coursera to expand your specialized knowledge.
  • Internships, Part-Time Jobs, or Freelance Work: Seek opportunities in the technology field to gain hands-on experience and real-world projects for your portfolio.
  • Collaborate with Peers: Work with classmates or friends on joint projects that showcase a combination of skills.
4. Network Effectively 

Networking plays a crucial role in finding job opportunities in the tech industry. 

  • Attend tech conferences, meetups, and career fairs to connect with professionals in your field. 
  • Engage in online communities, such as LinkedIn groups or tech forums, to expand your network.


Once you've prepared your essentials, it's time to find and apply for your first job.

1. Research job and company
  • Utilize job search platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or UCTalent specialized industry websites to find entry-level positions or internships.
  • Attend career fairs, and industry events, and connect with professionals in your desired field through online platforms.
  • Choosing the right company to work for is a critical decision
2. Build Your Resume

A killer tech resume and cover letter will make a strong first impression on potential employers. 

  • Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, projects, and experience. 
  • Tailor them to fit the specific requirements of each job you apply for. 
  • Use concrete examples to demonstrate your achievements and how you can contribute to the company. 
3. Prepare for Interviews 
  • Research the company and understand their mission, values, and products/services. 
  • Deeply understand the JD requirement
  • Practice answering common interview questions and develop concise and compelling responses that showcase your skills and experiences. 
  • Be prepared to discuss specific examples from your portfolio. 
  • Practice your body language and communication skills to make a positive impression during the interview.


After the successful candidate gets a new job, we give you some advices to better onboard the job:

  • Understand the company's culture, values, and expectations
  • Build relationships with your colleagues and superiors by willing to help out your colleagues and be a part of the team.
  • Be prepared to learn. Take initiative in your work by asking questions and be eager to take on new challenges.
  • Embrace feedback from your superiors and colleagues. Use feedback to improve your skills and adapt to the company's expectations.
  • Show dedication, reliability, and a positive attitude. Demonstrate that you are committed to learning and evolving in your role.

In conclusion, thorough preparation is crucial for success in the tech industry. Define your goals, acquire relevant skills, build a portfolio, and network effectively. When applying for your first job, research companies, customize your resume, and prepare for interviews. During the onboarding process, understand the company culture, build relationships, embrace feedback, and demonstrate dedication. With these preparations, you'll be ready to embark on a fulfilling career in technology.

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